Tuesday, February 10, 2015

You bought your dream couch. You made it into your car - need safely hoist the sofa up through a balcony a window or even through the roof?

You bought your dream couch.  You made it into your car, or more likely on top of your car, saving yourself money by not using moving company, your journey is about to come to a beautiful end, in your though you are sipping a coffee relaxing on your new sofa, BUT oh no, one more challenged in right in front of you!
The sofa doesn’t fit the door way…
This turning in the story can be end in nightmare, BUT not these days… and not this time…
Did you know that in one call you can get a local team of 4 or 5 high-quality, skills and experience to pack your sofa and safely hoist the sofa up through a balcony a window or even through the roof?

If there’s a way, One Item Move team will found it.

Remember One Item Move next time you buying a sofa, save yourself the trouble, measure the living room entrance, if you feel in any way that the sofa might not fit, call One Item Move for free consultation, we might be able to send someone to check your place out.

When buying un-usual, oversized or designer new sofa, no one can promise you if will fit all the way to your desire spot in your house, One Item Move can guarantee it will happened!

Call Today; 1-323-843-4799

To view preview hoisting jobs we did check;

One Item Move - Hoisting Armoire to the 3rd floor balcony

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